March 24, 2011

Miniature Spotlight: Rebasing the Prepaints Part I

When I came in contact with the first line of prepainted D&D miniatures a few years ago I pretty much hated them because they looked really awful. But they got better and the bigger miniatures like the dragons were quite nice and with a little work and repainting some miniatures like the beholder looked really cool.
When Rackham had a huge sale last summer with prices dropping like flies, I bought 10 boxes of various fractions. Of course I knew that there had to be some work done like putting them onto new bases, do some paint touch-ups and ink them one or two times. But all in all it was a very good deal. When the minis arrived I was surprised on how good they looked (for prepaints, of course). I even used some of them without touch-ups in my game but now the time had finally come to start the improvements.

An hour worth of work...

...just to get the bases of.

Right now it's just a mess...

...but they could look quite nice with a little more paint and ink.

The rebasing has begun...
I'm going to need these miniatures for the next chapter of the Dark Prophet Chronicles. But since the ongoing adventure will last for at least another 5 to 6 month of gaming, other projects like painting the new ghouls (which hopefully arrive tomorrow) will have priority. But I will update any  further progress and since I'm quite eager to see the touch-up end results myself it could be quite possible that the next installment of the Miniature Spotlight is not so far away. :)

1 comment:

Marco said...

Legen... wait for it... dary!