November 13, 2011

The Happy Spender: Banelords and Baneladies

I already have a miniature for one of the major campaign NPCs: Lord Karsakas. But I also really like the new Vampire Bane Lord from Maelstrom Games for this character:

I usually prefer miniatures that show facial features. Helmets are cool too but most times lack that special unique element that makes a miniature great for representing a special character. So I think I will paint this bad boy and make a decicion which one will the be best for Lord Karsakas. :)

Just to be prepared that the Vampire Warrior Miniature from Reaper may not remain my first choice for representing Karsakas and I would use it as a member of the inner circle of the Vampire Lord I bought another unique miniature to represent an additional member of his most trusted followers:

Yep, I'm gonna go with this story for what inspired me to buy this miniature. *goes away whistling*

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